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Types of garage doors and how to choose one

Types of garage doors and how to choose one

There are many types of garage doors available on the market today. They come in various materials, sizes, and styles to suit the needs of any home. Choosing the right garage door is an important decision that will affect the look of your home and your security level. This article will discuss the different types of garage doors and some factors you should consider when choosing a garage door for your home.

Types of materials used in garage doors

  • Wooden garage doors are the traditional option and can give your home a classic look. However, wood is also the most susceptible to damage from weather and pests, so it requires more maintenance than other options.
  • Steel is one of the most durable materials available for garage doors and is resistant to weathering and denting. However, it can rust over time if not correctly cared for. It can be painted to match your home’s exterior color scheme.
  • Aluminum is lightweight and won’t rust or corrode. It’s also low-maintenance compared to other options. However, aluminum isn’t as strong as steel, so it may dent more easily.
  • Fiberglass is a strong material that won’t corrode or rust. It is also low-maintenance, like aluminum. However, extreme temperatures or UV light exposure can damage fiberglass over time.
  • PVC is often used in low-cost garage door systems because it’s easy to install and maintain. However, it tends to sag over time due to humidity fluctuations or wind gusts.

Types of garage doors

Side sliding garage doors
These garage doors open sideways from the carport or side of your house, providing easy access for cars and bicycles. They are typically less expensive than other garage doors but require more maintenance as they wear down faster.

Sectional garage doors
These garage doors open into separate sections that you can open independently from one another. It usually offers greater flexibility and security since each section can be locked separately.

Roll-up garage doors
These garage doors retract inward, giving you full access to your driveway without going through your front door or walking around the side of your house (like with a traditional front door). They don’t wear down as quickly as other garage doors, making them ideal for homes with large garages or traffic congestion near the entranceway. A remote opener can also access the garage in roll-up models.

Tilt-up garage doors
Tilt-up garage doors open by tilting up on the arm attached to springs above the door. This arm moves upward as pressure is applied from outside, allowing it to rise about 3 feet off the ground before stopping at a preset height. The advantage of tilt-up garage doors is that they can be opened wider than hinged ones (about 6 feet wide), making them easier for large vehicles like trucks or SUVs to fit through.

Hinged garage doors
Hinged garage doors are the most common and are usually the cheapest option. They work like regular doorways, pushing or pulling them from inside. This makes them simple to use, but it can also be inconvenient if there is a lot of traffic in and out of your home regularly.

Ways to determine the right garage door for your needs
There are a few things to consider when choosing the right garage door for your needs.

  • A garage door is subject to a lot of wear and tear, so make sure it is made from materials that will withstand the elements and daily use.
  • It would be best if you considered the cost. For example, garage doors can range in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousand, so you need to find one that fits your budget.
  • Finally, it would be best if you thought about your specific needs. For example, if you have a large family or frequently entertain guests, you may want a larger door with unique features like windows or insulation.