Essential tips for shaving and grooming the beard
Shaving and grooming sounds like a straightforward activity. But you’d be surprised to know just how much effort men take to maintain a signature look. And you don’t have to spend a lot of money or visit the barber every other day to get that perfect groom. These simple tips and suggestions are easy to follow and incorporate into your daily routine. Easily get a barber-level clean shave or groom your mane or beard right at home.
Do it the right way
Getting the best possible close shave is a step-by-step process. You cannot just apply the product and hack away at the stubble. It’s a recipe for disaster, with lots of cuts and bruises that leave the skin dented. Start with hydrating the skin to allow the hair follicles to soften. You can even use a face wash for better results. Also, ensure the blades are not dull or overused because it won’t be possible to get a clean shave. Next, apply an adequate amount of shaving gel, foam, or cream and lather well. Finally, apply gentle, uniform strokes to cover as much as possible in one stroke and rinse well after each action. It is important you shave with and also against the beard grain to get the best possible results. Finally, apply moisturizer or an organic aftershave to prevent the skin from drying.
The best time to shave
Ideally, men think the best time to shave is in the morning. But this is because most men who grow thick stubble want to avoid that dreaded five o’clock shadow. But given the time crunch and the rush to get to work, this shave may not deliver the best results. It’s perfectly okay and quite comfortable to shave in the evening. You don’t have to worry about nicks and cuts as you are not racing against the clock. In the evening, you’ll also have more time to follow everything step by step and get a really good shave. It’s basically up to you on how you want to maintain that look.
Tips to take care of the beard
If you want to maintain a thick stubble or grow a large bread, you’ll need to take extra care. Similar to using a good hair shampoo and face wash for rinsing the skin, you can also buy and use a separate beard shampoo to keep the beard growth supple and clean. Washing the beard prevents dust particles and debris from settling into the hair follicles and causing a hair knot. Washing the beard once or twice a week is recommended by shaving & grooming experts. Extra care should be taken during harsh summer and winter months to prevent the beard from drying. It is also important to keep the beard trimmed and groomed to maintain a certain length and thickness. Visit the local barbershop once every week to have the beard set and trimmed properly. You can even check out a bunch of tutorials online to explore simple styles and ways to groom at home.
Buy specific shaving & grooming products
For the beard, you will have to invest in a decent beard growth oil, balm, or wax to set the growth in a certain way. Beard oils also contain essential vitamins and nutrients, including vitamins A, D, K, E, and B 12s, along with zinc, selenium, and copper. These nutrients help improve growth, boost thickness, and prevent hair fall. Balms and wax further make it easy for you to style and keep the beard in good shape.
Also, use a beard brush regularly. Brushing the hair is an essential part of beard maintenance as the action promotes natural hair oils to coat the hair follicles evenly and create a visible sheen. Brushing keeps the hair hydrated and prevents split ends from curling or knotting the individual hairs. And if you are trimming and grooming your beard at home, ensure you also buy a beard shaping tool so that both sides are evenly maintained and there is zero chance of slip-ups.
Build your personal shaving & grooming kit
Any underlying skin sensitivity or allergy can trigger an adverse reaction. So, it is necessary to check and see which products work best with your skin type and are suitable for regular use. Choose grooming products that are free of parabens, preservatives, and artificial enhancers that can be harmful for use in the long run. Read the labels carefully and consult with a skin specialist to understand if there are certain products that you must avoid. Organic kits are generally safe to use, and you can make your very own trimming and grooming kit with essential oils, vitamins, and accessories.
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