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Bags under eyes – Common causes and management

Bags under eyes – Common causes and management

Bags under the eyes are a natural physiological occurrence due to age. They develop due to puffiness under the eyes or because of mild swelling. It is primarily a superficial and cosmetic problem, rarely indicating any severe underlying health condition. While some prefer home-based remedies such as cooling compresses, others may require treatments based on the severity of their case. Here’s all that you need to know about bags under the eyes.

Causes of bags under the eyes
Several factors can cause bags under the eyes. Some of these include the following.

  • Aging
  • Fluid retention, especially after having a meal high in sodium
  • Irregular sleep
  • Tiredness
  • Allergy
  • Genetics
  • Health disorders such as renal disease, dermatitis, thyroid eye disease, and dermatomyositis

At-home treatment options

This method for managing bags under the eyes involves using chilled or frozen tools such as frozen tea bags, ice rollers, and eye masks. You can also use devices designed to constrict blood vessels, which will deflate some puffiness temporarily.

You can use creams or serums containing retinoids. This ingredient helps to boost collagen production (boosts collagen to help tighten and thicken the skin around the eyes).

Skincare routine
Following a skincare routine involves using products that boost moisture and skin elasticity around the eyes. These can also include using targeted eye creams such as those having caffeine-based formulas. Also, remove makeup and wash your face with a gentle cleanser to prevent irritation and puffiness under the eyes.

Lifestyle change
Avoid eating foods with high sodium content to prevent fluid retention in the skin. Furthermore, work towards reducing major life stressors and getting sufficient sleep daily.

Treatment options

If you have bags under your eyes caused by fat accumulation, you may need to undergo blepharoplasty. This is a permanent solution that typically doesn’t require further treatment. The procedure involves repositioning the fat beneath the eyes and then tightening the skin and muscles for a smoother appearance. The cost of surgery can range from $2,000 to $5,000, depending on factors such as the doctor, type of surgery, and individual patient needs.

In recent years, microneedling has gained immense popularity as a cosmetic procedure. It utilizes radio frequency (RF) to tighten and tone the skin. By puncturing the skin with a tool containing microneedles, the procedure triggers collagen and elastin production in the skin, leading to naturally smooth, firm, and even-toned skin. RF microneedling is highly effective in treating bags under the eyes and reducing the appearance of dark circles. To achieve optimal results, at least three microneedling procedures are recommended, with the cost ranging from $600 to $1,100.

Laser treatment
If you’re looking for a way to treat bags under your eyes, you may want to consider a fractional carbon dioxide or CO2 laser procedure. This treatment involves using a laser to remove layers of skin, which can help smooth out fine lines and wrinkles and give your skin a firmer appearance. While the results can be effective, the procedure can be painful and may require some downtime due to swelling and inflammation. Remember that the cost can range from $600 to $900 per session, and you may need at least two sessions to get the best results.

Injectable fillers
If you want to remove bags under your eyes without surgery, consider using injectable or dermal fillers. These fillers add volume to your face, making your skin look plump and firm. The procedure involves injecting the fillers in the hollows between your cheeks and lower eyelids to eliminate undereye bags and tear troughs. This treatment typically costs $1,000, but the cost may increase depending on the fillers needed. Since this is not a permanent solution, you may need to schedule follow-up sessions every 6 to 18 months.

Chemical peel
This treatment option for undereye bags can be done at your nearby dermatologist’s clinic. It is a simple and short procedure with results lasting for a few years. It involves the removal of superficial top layers of skin using a chemical solution. The solution dissolves all of the older skin cells. The peel leaves behind brighter and firmer skin. It helps to get rid of wrinkles and fine lines as well. The effectiveness of the treatment depends on the type of skin and the amount of sun exposure. The cost of this treatment starts from as low as $100 and goes to as high as $6000, depending on whether you are doing light, medium, or deep peels.