Understanding chipped tooth, its causes, effects, and remedy

Understanding chipped tooth, its causes, effects, and remedy

Boden Lam

Tooth enamel, the hardest element in the human body, serves various functions in terms of enhancing the facial appearance of a person and protecting one’s tooth structure. However, the enamel is vulnerable to conditions like chipping and breaking. A chipped tooth may appear as a minor condition, but it can have long-term implications. Look at some causes and effects of a chipped tooth, intervention options, and things to consider before seeking a remedy.

Many people find themselves combating this condition at some point in their life. It can be triggered by many reasons, including accidents, tooth decay, poor oral hygiene, and teeth grinding. Regardless of the severity of the condition, the chipped tooth should be treated at the earliest once diagnosed.

Accident or injury
A chipped tooth is often the result of accidents such as skids or hard contact while playing sports. Other oral injuries may also accompany chipped teeth due to such accidents.

Tooth decay
Tooth decay is commonly caused by the formation of plaque and the presence of food debris and bacteria in the teeth. Such decay normally leads to cavities and chipping of the teeth.

Tongue piercing
The constant friction between your teeth and tongue piercing can cause your teeth to become sensitive, sometimes leading to chipping.

Teeth grinding
Teeth grinding, typically caused by sleep bruxism, often leads to teeth loosening, causing chipped teeth and damaging fillings.

Poor oral hygiene
Lack of dental hygiene can cause an increase in germs and bacteria in the mouth, eventually leading to enamel problems like cavities and tooth chipping.

Effects of untreated chipped teeth
Since a chipped tooth affects the enamel, it is imperative to care for it and treat any issues proactively. The damage may make the tooth vulnerable to various health conditions like increased teeth sensitivity, weakening, and even bacterial infections if untreated.

Heightened teeth sensitivity
A chipped tooth leaves its underlying structure exposed, increasing susceptibility to teeth sensitivity, particularly upon consumption of hot or cold foods or beverages. A sensitive tooth can cause bouts of pain, sometimes unbearable.

Bacterial infections
Since the enamel’s primary function is to protect the teeth from external agents, a chipped tooth is much less resilient to bacteria and germs. Consequently, chipped teeth can become breeding points for infections.

Tooth breakage
A chipped tooth’s roots are exposed, causing the teeth to weaken over time. Such weakness can eventually lead to tooth decay and even breakage.

Difficulties with chewing
A chipped tooth can lead to sharp edges that can hurt your cheeks’ insides while eating. It can cause considerable pain while chewing, particularly when it comes to hard solid foods.

Depending on the severity of the chipping, various remedies are available to fight the condition, including veneers, root canals, dental sealants or implants, and bonding.

Veneers are colored shells made of composite resin or porcelain. A thin veneer layer is fitted over the chipped tooth, enhancing its appearance and supporting its structure. A veneer is a quick strategy to repair a chipped tooth. According to experts, veneer treatment for chipped teeth costs between $925 and $2500 per tooth.

Dental bonding
Bonding involves fastening a chip of composite material to fix a chipped tooth. The tooth’s surface is roughened, and a conditioning liquid is applied, which helps the composite resin stick to the chipped tooth. Ultraviolet light is then used to harden the material. Repairing a chipped tooth through dental bonding costs roughly $100 to $400 per tooth.

Root canal
Dentists often recommend root canals to treat chipped or broken teeth, especially in advanced cases wherein an infection has developed. The infection is removed, and the crown is fastened to the affected tooth. Fixing chipped teeth through a root canal can cost approximately $500 to $1,000, depending on the severity of the condition.

Dental sealants
Dental sealants involve the application of a thin layer of plastic on the teeth’ surface. Many dentists recommend this procedure as an effective treatment option for chipped teeth. Repairing a chipped tooth with dental sealants can cost around $30 to $40 per tooth; however, the rates may vary depending on the dentist.

Dental implants
Dental implants are used to replace chipped or broken teeth. The implant screw can last for long periods with adequate dental care. The dental implant procedure cost can range from $1,500 to $6,500, depending on where one resides and the severity of the condition. A single dental implant typically costs between $1,000 and $4,000.

Lifestyle tips
Besides the remedies mentioned above, certain lifestyle changes can help keep the condition at bay. By following certain routine habits that facilitate oral health, it is possible to fight conditions like chipped teeth to a great extent. One is changing one’s nutritional habits by avoiding sugary foods and drinks

Gargling with salt water
Rinsing your mouth with warm salt water can help fight bacteria and reduce pain caused due to chipping. It can also help avoid further dental infections and is a commonly prescribed home remedy.

Avoiding extremely hot or cold foods
A chipped tooth is often accompanied by tooth sensitivity; therefore, it helps avoid foods with extreme temperatures, such as ice cream and hot tea or coffee.

Applying eugenol
Eugenol or clove oil is highly effective in fighting dental conditions. Dabbing a piece of cotton with some eugenol and applying it to the affected tooth can help relieve pain and fight infections.

Avoiding sugary foods and drinks
The ill effects of sugar on dental health have been demonstrated repeatedly by research. Sugar destroys the tooth enamel, eventually causing decay and pain. Thus, sugar consumption typically affects people with chipped teeth more severely.

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