Simple remedies for managing asthma cough

Simple remedies for managing asthma cough

Duke Guevara

Asthma is a prevalent health condition that affects the lungs and causes difficulty breathing. People suffering from the ailment usually have inflamed and constricted bronchi (air passages in the lungs). Some of its most visible signs include cough, rapid breathing, and wheezing. These symptoms could get aggravated due to certain illnesses, exercise, and allergies. Here are a few common remedies that can be used as a treatment for asthma cough.

Breathing exercises
Several therapies can aid in keeping the symptoms of this condition in check. These include breathing techniques like Buteyko and Papworth. Buteyko is a series of simple breathing exercises that help boost a person’s breathing pattern and lower their dependency on inhalers over time. On the other hand, the Papworth methodology encourages proper use of the diaphragm while breathing. Besides managing asthma symptoms, these techniques may help lower the risk of respiratory infections if performed correctly.

Healthy nutrition changes
Another way to treat asthma cough is to alter the daily meal plans to include lots of healthy fruits and veggies. These are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals and help safeguard against lung-damaging free radicals. Some food options that have proven beneficial for asthma patients are:

Certain compounds in this root relax and open the airways in the lungs, helping patients breathe better. Ginger is also known to reduce wheezing and chest tightness in those with this respiratory condition.

This natural sweetener can be an effective home treatment for asthma cough. Its anti-inflammatory properties help suppress cough and reduce inflammation in the lungs.

Fish oils
Fish oils are rich in omega-3 fatty acids known to soothe asthma symptoms, especially mild ones. Walnuts, flax seeds, salmon, and oysters are a few foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids that can be considered.

Preparing meals with spices like turmeric not only adds flavor but also helps in the treatment of asthma cough. A compound called curcumin in turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and is beneficial for managing several health disorders.

Yoga is another excellent home treatment for asthma cough. It is a type of mind-body practice that involves various deep breathing exercises. Besides helping relieve asthma symptoms, yoga boosts patients’ quality of life. Moreover, it helps manage stress and general inflammation, which, in turn, results in better physical and mental health. Individuals can consult a professional to understand which yoga exercises suit them the best.

This form of treatment is known to make patients feel relaxed and help them manage their thoughts and feelings more positively. It also facilitates the relaxation of lung muscles, relieving symptoms like chest tightness in asthma patients. Further, hypnotherapy aids in reducing anxiety—a potential cause of respiratory issues. It helps regulate breathing patterns so that individuals can manage their asthma well.

Recognizing the triggers
The symptoms of asthma usually differ from person to person. However, specific triggers may affect all. These include mold, pet dander, dust mites, outdoor air pollution, chemical irritants, nitrogen dioxide, and other tiny air particles. Recognizing these triggers and avoiding contact with them can go a long way in managing the disorder in the long run.

This methodology is a part of Chinese treatment. It involves placing tiny needles at specific pressure points on the body. Acupuncture has been proven effective in managing asthma symptoms in some patients. It can boost airflow and help manage discomforts like chest pain.

This therapy involves spending time in an underground chamber, such as a mine or cave. It has benefitted some individuals with asthma and other respiratory issues. However, speleotherapy is carried out in controlled environments, and individuals must ask their doctor for more information before deciding to opt for this asthma treatment.

Caffeine found in beverages like tea and coffee is a natural stimulant that is effective in the treatment of asthma cough and related symptoms. It can lower respiratory muscle fatigue and boost the functioning of the airways for some time after consumption. However, caffeine should be had in limited quantities only. An excess of this compound can lead to other health problems and affect a person’s sleep cycle.

Allergy prevention
The symptoms of asthma are known to get aggravated by exposure to allergens. Hence, those suffering from asthma cough may undergo an allergy test to identify the triggers of their condition. Testing can help avoid allergens that cannot be completely controlled. Several allergy treatments help deal with allergies by suppressing the immune system’s response to allergens and lowering the symptoms associated with the condition.

Doctors may recommend one or a combination of these remedies after analyzing the patient’s symptoms and considering other factors. One can contact a healthcare professional to know more about these treatment options to control asthma cough. The tips must be followed correctly for the best results in the long term.

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