Natural treatment of seasonal allergies in cats

Natural treatment of seasonal allergies in cats

Raul Sims

Cats are most prone to seasonal allergies caused by changes in seasons. The pollen count is highest with the onset of spring when new grass, foliage, and flowers begin to grow. Itching and irritation in the skin are some of the first symptoms of seasonal allergies. It can lead to hot spots and bald patches on their skin. Excessive or constant scratching can also lead to open wounds. Seasonal allergies can also cause sneezing, coughing, difficulty in breathing, and discharge in the ears. Some cats with a history of digestive tract problems can develop nausea, vomiting, loose stool, and swollen paws.

Medication for seasonal allergies for cats
Vets will prescribe a course of anti-allergy shots injections or allergy inhibitors for severe symptoms. Once you know that your cat is prone to allergies, the best way to treat it is to prevent exposure to any such seasonal allergens and treat reactions naturally with home remedies without resorting to expensive medication and avoidable side effects.

Treating seasonal allergies in cats naturally
Mild allergies can be treated at home with natural products and also by avoiding exposure to allergens. Keep them indoors when the risk of pollen and dust is very high. When you sense that allergies are setting in, you can treat the symptoms naturally initially, cutting down the discomfort in the beginning. Always consult a vet before using a natural remedy for your pet’s allergies to avoid any complications or worsening of symptoms. Consulting the vet is of paramount importance as they can recommend the right dosage required for your cat according to their age, weight, overall health, and prevalent ailments, if any.

  • Changes in cats lifestyle
    Monitor pollen activity by following weather updates and be prepared accordingly. Place a thick doormat near the door to remove any dust or pollen. The best option is to remove footwear at the door. Vacuum the house and your cat’s favorite corners and keep them dust-free. Wash the cats with hypoallergenic soap and cool water. Comb your cat frequently during flea and tick infestation are at a high. Keep them indoors when seasonal allergies are at their peak.
  • Fish oil
    Fish oil is an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids that build immunity in your cats and reduce skin rashes and infections. It can directly reduce hot spots and itching. Avoid cod liver oil as the high amount of vitamin A and D in it cannot be absorbed by your cats.
  • Combination of quercetin, papain and bromelain
    Quercetin is a plant-based pigment obtained from fruits and vegetables, while Bromelain and Papain are compounds obtained from Papaya and pineapples. Together these can suppress inflammation and allergy symptoms in the skin as well as mucous membranes quite effectively.
  • Coconut oil
    One of the important causes of seasonal allergies is yeast infection. Lauric acid found in coconut oil can fight yeast infection. Coconut oil contains high amounts of antioxidants and can moisturize the skin, reducing itchiness. Rubbing coconut oil in your cats’ skin is safe as it is natural and does not cause any adverse reaction even if they lick it while grooming.
  • Chamomile
    Chamomile is a must-have if you have a pet cat. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and pain-relieving properties. Spray it on your cat’s skin using a dispenser, or rub a few drops on a comb and comb its fur – both can help reduce itching and prevents open wounds from forming.
  • Apple cider vinegar
    Dilute apple cider vinegar with equal portions of water and give your cat a thorough wash and rub. It not only prevents allergy symptoms but can also help treat rashes and itchiness caused by allergies.
  • Oatmeal rub
    Rubbing your cat with an oatmeal pack can help itchiness, reduce scratching and help to heal open wounds. Oatmeal has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe and relieve skin-related allergies.
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