Metabolism – Types, symptoms, and exercises

Metabolism – Types, symptoms, and exercises

Duke Guevara

All living bodies, whether unicellular or multicellular, survive on food and the energy they gain from it. This goes for us human beings. We eat food, and our bodies digest it automatically to give us the energy needed to perform our daily activities. This automatic action of digestion is often called metabolism. We can also call it the number of reactions that help maintain the cells in our bodies’ proper function.

Types of metabolism
We can classify this automatic action of our bodies into two types. The first is catabolism, and the second is anabolism. These are explained in detail below:

  • Catabolism: The large organic molecules break down into smaller and simpler organic molecules for our bodies to absorb. Our bodies cannot absorb large organic molecules, so catabolism breaks them into simpler molecules.
  • Anabolism: The simpler organic molecules work together to create unique substances needed by different cells in our bodies. Our cells may not always need the simplest organic molecules, so anabolism is necessary to make the required compounds in sufficient quantities.

Symptoms of slow metabolism
Due to several reasons, our bodies may not perform metabolism efficiently, and we may face its consequences. Here are some signs of slow metabolism that one should know about:

  • Low energy and mood swings: If you feel tired and dull most of the time with intense mood swings, it is a sign that you might not have enough energy. Low energy or lack of energy for daily tasks is a clear sign of slow metabolism.
  • Unhealthy hair, nails, and skin: Your hair, nails, and skin can also tell you about the digestion going on in your body. If you notice a sudden increase in your hair fall, your nails break easily, and your skin is drier than usual, it indicates an underlying issue with digestion.
  • Headaches and memory loss: If you have frequent headaches even though you have not started any new activity, the reason may be an inefficient digestion process. An unexplained short-term memory loss can also indicate the same. If you forget things quicker than before, you should pay attention to your body.
  • Cold feet and hands: Cold feet and hands can indicate several issues, like low blood pressure, but they also show a poor digestive system. If you wear socks and gloves often, even when others don’t feel cold, you should check your pulse rate.
  • Low pulse rate: If your heart rate is sometimes normal and sometimes low, your body is trying to tell you something is wrong. Try to understand the pattern to analyze it better.

Exercises to fix low metabolism
Physical workouts and exercises are keys to fixing numerous issues in the human body. If you feel that your body needs a quick restart to get back on track, you should do extensive physical activities:

  • Running lunges: Running lunges are a great way to focus on the lower part of your body and metabolism. They help you lose weight quicker than other physical activities. Running lunges are the best choice if you want to do an exercise for which you do not need extra equipment.
  • Mountain climbers: If you want to do extensive physical work, you should try mountain climbing. It requires you to work each muscle in your body, enhancing the weight loss rate.
  • Dumbbell crushers: If possible, try to gain muscle while exercising. It is a fact that one loses weight faster with muscles in comparison to fat. You can try to do physical activities with dumbbells to gain muscles and lose fat fast.
  • Sprinter burpees: The primary advantage of sprinter burpees is that you can target the major muscle groups of your body, which will help you lose weight and boost your metabolic activities. In this way, you get two benefits from one activity.
  • Fire-feet drill: This physical activity is a blessing if you have frequent cold hands and feet. It will help increase the low heart rate, leading to proper blood circulation. Once the blood circulates evenly, your hands and feet will receive enough blood to keep them warm. Moreover, it will also enhance the digestion rate for efficient metabolic activities.
  • Dance: If you do not wish to spend money on gyms and memberships, the best and the most interesting way to control your imbalanced digestive activities is through dance. You can try Zumba or any dance form involving extensive body muscle usage. However, ensure to take timely breaks and intervals in between to make your body habitual to the workout session.

Poor metabolism affects numerous parts and activities of the body, due to which it becomes necessary to fix it at the earliest. There are numerous other ways through which you can regain the efficiency of your body. If you feel at sea, you can always consult your doctor for the best advice.

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