Hormone replacement therapy for men – Advantages and risks

Hormone replacement therapy for men – Advantages and risks

Boden Lam

Testosterone is a male hormone produced primarily in the testicles. This chemical is responsible for many bodily functions, including boosting male libido, building muscle density, etc. As men age, their testosterone levels naturally decrease, impacting their overall health. Treatments like hormone replacement therapy (HRT) address these low testosterone levels and help restore them to normal levels. Learn more about hormone replacement therapy, its benefits, risks, costs, and how it works below.


Increased energy levels
Men with abnormally low levels of testosterone often experience lethargy. Hormone replacement therapy can help restore the lost vigor and reduce fatigue.

Boosts mood
Men with low levels of testosterone often experience bad moods. Testosterone replacement helps the hormone levels reach a stable level and elevates the mood.

Increased muscle mass
Low testosterone negatively impacts muscle mass and strength. With this therapy, many men experienced an improvement in overall body mass, boosting their confidence and quality of life. Increased muscle mass and better energy levels can speed up a man’s metabolism. All these factors combined make it easier to lose unhealthy body mass.

Better brain function
Since testosterone is necessary for almost every function in the body, restoring the hormone levels will also help improve memory and concentration.

There are also many potential risks associated with this hormone replacement therapy. These side effects are not severe and are short-term, but it is best to be aware of these before undertaking the therapy.

Enlarged breasts
Hormone replacement therapy can cause physical changes in men. For example, using testosterone of external origin can result in the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, leading to breast enlargement.

Acne and oily skin
Some men may experience skin changes after an HRT session. These skin changes include acne and excess sebum secretion.

In addition to the above list, people with pre-existing conditions such as prostate cancer, sleep apnea, and congestive heart failure should avoid this therapy to prevent symptoms from worsening after treatment.

There are several options available for hormone replacement therapy.

The testosterone patches are applied to the back, arms, buttocks, or abdomen once a day. The dosage gets absorbed through the skin.

Mouth patch
This patch is applied to the upper gums. The testosterone released from the patch enters the blood through the oral tissues.

Testosterone gel is applied to the shoulders, arms, or abdomen daily. As the gel dries, the testosterone gets absorbed into the skin.

Buccal cavity
It is a gum-and-cheek testosterone that sticks to the gum line above your top teeth and meets the upper lip.

A small needle is inserted into the fat tissue in the upper arm or thighs every two to three weeks. This method is easy as it provides sustained testosterone levels for extended periods.

Subcutaneous pellets
The pellets are implanted under the skin every 3 to 6 months through a minor surgical procedure.

The cost of hormone replacement therapy will depend on the type, mode, and frequency of the dosage. However, the charge may range between $150- $1200 per month for men in their fifties. Most insurance companies usually cover all forms of hormone replacement therapy.

Hormone replacement therapy is a treatment that can alleviate many symptoms caused by low testosterone. The treatment can help restore a patient’s general health. However, it is advised to consult a healthcare expert about the risks and potential complications before proceeding with the treatment.

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