Home remedies to clear nasal congestion

Home remedies to clear nasal congestion

Mario Grimes

Sinus congestion is an unpleasant condition caused mainly due to viruses, bacteria, and allergens that are present in the air. These lead to swelling in the blood vessels present along the nasal cavity due to excess mucus deposits. Luckily, in mild cases, several home tips prove helpful to clear a stuffy nose instantly. Here are some top home remedies to note that will help to manage the condition and reduce sinus pain.

Increase intake of fluids
It is important to increase the intake of liquids like water, soups, or juices, as staying hydrated aids in thinning out the mucus along the nasal passage and promotes its drainage. The remedy leads to a decrease in pressure along the sinus, which, in turn, lowers inflammation and irritation in the nose. Furthermore, if nasal congestion is accompanied by a sore throat, having warm liquids also aids in reducing discomfort. However, cold beverages need to be strictly avoided as they may worsen congestion and cause inflammation along the sinuses.

Opt for a steam bath
Simple yet efficient tips to reduce sinus congestion include taking a hot water shower, as the steam released helps thin the mucus along the nose and reduces swelling. Additionally, a warm bath helps in easing breathing difficulties. You can also take steam through a bowl of hot water; you just need to cover the head with a towel while inhaling the vapor to prevent it from escaping. Furthermore, you can opt for steam inhalers used for beauty treatments to loosen mucus.

Improve the humidity level of your surroundings
The sinus congestion causes severe discomfort and irritation that gets aggravated in dry conditions. Using a humidifier in your house will aid in increasing the moisture level, and this will help in soothing irritated nasal tissues. It aids in lowering sinus inflammation and thinning out mucus so that breathing becomes easy. Moreover, both warm-mist and cool-mist machines give identical results, so users can choose based on their preferences.

Boost moisture level with saline solution
To clear stuffy noses instantly, patients can use salt water to boost hydration along the nostrils. Additionally, a few saline solutions are also known to comprise decongestants that aid in providing better relief.

The simplest method to cure nasal congestion is drinking a mixture of honey and warm water. The versatile ingredient comes packed with a host of nutrients, including minerals and vitamins. Additionally, the antibacterial property of the ingredient aids in safeguarding against multiple bacterial infections. The sweet syrup is even known to soothe nasal passage, eliminate throat irritation, and clear off excess mucus deposition.

Try out neti-pot
It is vital to drain out excess mucus to relieve sinus pressure, and a neti-pot proves helpful in clearing off the nasal passage. The device is a container that is crafted to flush out mucus and fluids from the nasal chamber. The patient needs to stand with their head over a wash basin and insert the spout of the container along one nostril in a tilted position until water seeps in. Once the fluid gets into the nasal passage, it will flow out from the other nostril. Continue the process for a minute and then shift to the other nasal opening. The technique is known to not only clear off mucus from the nose, but also aid in thinning it out and eliminating irritants like germs as well as allergens. However, it is important to note that tap water should not be used for conducting the procedure; only sterile or boiled and cooled water is desirable.

If all these tips and home remedies have not helped your sinus condition enough, then it is advisable to consult a doctor for further treatment. You may have some underlying condition that is causing the sinus pressure.

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