Hiccups – Symptoms, causes, and remedies

Hiccups – Symptoms, causes, and remedies

Boden Lam

Hiccups are caused by the involuntary and repeated contractions of the diaphragm – the muscle separating the chest and the abdominal cavities that play a vital role in breathing. During hiccups, the contractions result in a sudden closure of the vocal cords, causing the characteristic “hic” sound. Hiccups occur to most people at some point and are mostly not a cause of concern. Keep reading to learn more about the symptoms, causes, and treatment for hiccups.

The most common and obvious symptom of hiccups is the “hic” sound caused by uncontrollable spasms in the diaphragm. Hiccups may also be accompanied by a tightening feeling in the chest or an uncomfortable feeling in the stomach.

Hiccups also cause a momentary interruption of breathing. Hiccups can occur in a person as a single episode or rapid succession, lasting from a few minutes to several hours. The repeated sharp intake of breath during hiccups can be very annoying and often leads to frustration.

A variety of factors can cause hiccups, including the ones given below-

  • Eating or drinking too quickly – Eating or drinking too fast sometimes causes hiccups . It happens because eating or drinking involves swallowing air, which can irritate the diaphragm muscle. Hiccups can also happen when chewing gum or sucking on hard candies.
  • Eating spicy foods – Spicy foods also irritate the diaphragm muscle and lead to hiccups. Usually, foods like hot peppers and chili have this effect. This same holds for acidic foods like vinegar and tomatoes.
  • Certain beverages like coffee and carbonated drinks irritate the nerves that control the diaphragm, leading to hiccups. Excessive intake of these beverages can contribute to hiccups.
  • Emotional stress or excitement – Stress, anxiety, or excitement also causes hiccups in some people because these emotions alter their physiological state, and the body resorts to safety measures, including rapid diaphragm movement
  • Health conditions – Several health conditions also cause hiccups. Diseases like pneumonia, brain tumors, kidney ailments, and multiple sclerosis are known to cause hiccups as a symptom.
  • Abdominal surgery and nerve damage- These reasons are also attributed as a cause of hiccups. Carbon dioxide buildup in the body also stimulates the diaphragm and might lead to hiccups.

Hiccups are generally harmless and go away on their own, but in some cases, they can become persistent and bothersome. In those cases, treatment of hiccups is necessary and might even necessitate a health expert’s intervention.

Home remedies
Several home remedies are widely used to manage hiccups, including-

  1. Holding your breath- This helps relax the diaphragm muscle and stop hiccups.
  2. Drinking water- Drinking a glass of water aids in stopping hiccups by swallowing air and stretching the stomach.
  3. Breathing into a paper bag – Doing so increases the level of carbon dioxide to calm the nerves in the body and relaxes the diaphragm.
  4. Gargling ice water – Ice water stimulates the vagus nerve, which can assist in stopping hiccups.
  5. Eating a spoonful of sugar – Sugar is widely believed to be able to stop hiccups.

Prescription treatments
In extreme cases of hiccups, a physician may prescribe treatments to relax muscles and reduce the frequency and intensity of hiccups.

Other treatments
Certain treatment procedures may be necessary to manage persistent hiccups in rare cases. These include-

  1. Nerve blocks – Nerve blocking involves administering treatment into the diaphragm’s nerves to stop hiccups.
  2. Phrenic nerve stimulation – It requires implanting a device that delivers electrical impulses to the phrenic nerve, which controls the diaphragm.
  3. Surgery – Surgery may be necessary to treat persistent hiccups in rare scenarios. Surgery helps to treat hiccups from nerve damage or any other internal injury.

Behavioral techniques
Behavioral techniques may be used to treat hiccups in some scenarios. Sometimes hiccups can be a symptom of any other underlying health condition and can only be cured by addressing the disease. Behavioral techniques include-

  1. Biofeedback – This non-invasive way involves using electronic devices to monitor the body’s response to stress and teach relaxation techniques to help control hiccups.
  2. Hypnosis- This involves using relaxation techniques and suggestions.

Although most episodes of hiccups are normally harmless and go away on their own, they can sometimes be persistent and bothersome. Persistent hiccups can arise from underlying causes and undiagnosed health conditions that might demand a healthcare professional’s attention.

Treatments and remedies like the ones mentioned above can be used to treat the symptoms, depending on the severity and duration of the hiccups. If hiccups last more than 48 hours or interfere with daily activities, it is important to consult a health expert for diagnosis.

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