Dealing with stretch marks – Causes, remedies, and prevention

Dealing with stretch marks – Causes, remedies, and prevention

Vance Cardenas

Stretch marks are a common phenomenon in men and women. The marks are a form of scarring on the skin. They can appear on any part of the body but are most commonly found on the skin around the belly, lower back, breasts, thighs, hips, and upper arms. While stretch marks are inevitable signs of changes in the body, one can find ways to prevent them and minimize their appearance

What are stretch marks?
Stretch marks, or striae, are defined as scars or sores. They develop in the dermis (middle layer of the skin) and can extend up to the epidermis (outer layer). The marks develop when the skin stretches beyond its normal elasticity, making the collagen and elastin rupture. The healing process is followed by the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. Depending on the stage, the marks are classified as:

Striae rubrae: These are stretch marks in the initial states, usually characterized as red, vein-like, and linear lesions.

Striae albae: White and depressed stretch marks that are likely permanent.

Stretch marks can vary in appearance, depending on the cause, duration, and skin type. Nevertheless, here is what one can expect:

  • Depressed lines on the breasts, hips, abdomen, or any part of the body
  • Pink, blue, purple, or red lines on the skin
  • Marks turning to glossy white or silver lines
  • Itchiness or irritation around the stretch marks


Some common causes of stretch marks are:

Pregnancy. Anywhere between 50% to 90% of women experience irritation and itching along with stretch marks on their abdomen after giving birth.

Puberty: One is likely to notice stretch marks with an unexpected growth spurt. Here, one can find light pink or light brown stretches on the breast, thighs, and back.

Additionally, excessive gain in body mass can cause stretch marks, damaging the dermal tissues.

One should look for stretch mark removal products that minimize their appearance while keeping the skin supple and healthy. While choosing products, one should check customer reviews and analyze the ingredients to avoid harsh chemicals. Certain creams can reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks. Additionally, one can try the following home remedies:

Aloe vera: The plant is known for its impeccable healing properties. One can extract fresh aloe vera gel and massage it on the affected area, leaving it for 20-30 minutes. One should apply the gel twice a day for the best results.

Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is one of the best stretch mark remedies. Like aloe vera, one can dilute tea tree oil and apply it to the affected area.

Olive oil: The vitamin E and nourishing features of olive oil can help reduce the appearance of post-pregnancy stretch marks.

Castor oil: Stretch marks can have a dried and withered look. So, they may require nourishment and moisture to heal. Massaging the area with castor oil can help smoothen the marks and reduce their appearance.

As the body changes over time, it can be difficult to prevent stretch marks. However, a few lifestyle changes can help reduce the risk of such scarring. Here are a few preventive measures:

Healthier lifestyle: Stretch marks develop with the sudden expansion or shrinkage in the skin. A healthy, steady exercise routine and good eating habits can help one avoid such sudden changes and fluctuations in body mass.

Adequate hydration: Drinking plenty of water makes the skin stay hydrated and supple. The marks marks typically develop in dry skin. So, drinking 8 glasses of water per day is a great way to prevent stretch marks.

Better food choices : Nutrition plays an important role in maintaining skin health and reducing the risk of stretch marks. So, one should opt for foods that are rich in protein, vitamins C, D, D, and zinc to keep the skin healthy. Vitamin C can help fade stretch marks and improve the production of collagen, increasing skin strength and elasticity.

Vitamin D intake: Vitamin D has a direct impact on skin health. So, exposing the skin to sunlight, the best and most natural source of the vitamin, can help in the reduction of stretch marks.

Stretch marks tend to blur with time, but appropriate treatment and home remedies can also help make them less noticeable. The marks do not cause health issues, however, some may want to get rid of them to feel more confident and keep their skin looking smooth. Many products and treatment procedures can reduce the appearance of scarring, including stretch marks. But, one should consult a doctor before initiating treatment or using home remedies. A healthcare professional or a dermatologist can recommend suitable, skin-friendly options to get rid of these marks.

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