7 heart failure signs that should not be ignored

7 heart failure signs that should not be ignored

Mario Grimes

Heart problems are a common occurrence in a large number of the population. However, some symptoms are not necessarily present in every patient with a possible heart condition. That said, some other signs are often misconstrued and overlooked as nothing serious, but these may actually indicate heart failure. Here are seven such heart failure signs that should be taken as a wake-up call to seek urgent clinical intervention.

Fatigue is often linked with heart diseases. Although normal day-to-day fatigue does not result from a faulty heart, fatigue caused due to heart failure makes one feel like they’ve had the flu for ages, and it just won’t go away. This is a cue for a possible heart failure and may require urgent clinical intervention. Fatigue that is associated with heart diseases results from the heart’s inability to supply an adequate amount of oxygen to the body.

Swelling of the ankles and feet
Swollen feet can result from a variety of reasons ranging from lack of movement to pregnancy and other underlying conditions. However, swollen ankles and feet can also be an indication of an overworked and pressured heart. It can be a sign of the heart’s inability to pump blood through the body, indicating a possibility of heart failure. The swelling may or may not be supplemented by pain and distress. As the heart is insufficient in pumping blood, the body doesn’t get the required amount of blood, resulting in clotting, and eventually, cardiac failure is possible.

Shortness of breath
Wheezing or shortness of breath can be a possible heart failure sign. Healthcare experts suggest that sudden onset of breathlessness amid an activity or even during rest can be a potential sign of a heart problem. If wheezing results from a heart condition, it may even occur when simply lying down and can be controlled when propped up. This is caused by the fluid build-up of the heart, which might leak into the lungs, making it difficult to breathe. However, it is fairly easy to fix it with some exercise and restoring the heart to its normal functioning. A visit to an ER is always safe to avoid aggravation.

Persistent cough
A persistent cough can be a cold or flu symptom, but it can also be one of the heart failure signs. A cough that does not show any signs of relenting even after clinical treatment and care should be taken seriously. It is one of the most overlooked signs of heart problems. When the heart is pumping blood insufficiently, it starts backing up fluid into the lungs, making breathing difficult. The increased build-up and pressure on blood vessels can lead the fluid into the alveoli, which later manifests itself as cough. A persistent cough can be a sure sign of heart failure in such cases.

Experiencing dizziness or light-headedness is not uncommon. In fact, multiple factors can cause a person to feel dizzy. Sometimes experiencing slight dizziness after having stood up too fast is fairly normal. However, if a person faints without any of the reasons mentioned above, it might be a cause of concern. In some cases, unexplained light-headedness can be a result of a sudden drop in blood pressure which should be addressed immediately.

Irregular heart rhythm
When the heart beats at a faster rate than normal, most people can feel their heart racing. However, arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat is common during nervousness or excitement. Also, a person suffers from arrhythmia when the heart beats either too quickly or too slowly, out of rhythm. In most cases, palpitations are due to long-term stress or anxiety. If an irregular heartbeat is triggered with chest discomfort, shortness of breath, and dizziness, it might be a heart failure sign. In such cases, it is highly recommended not to delay a doctor’s consultation. It is important to note that there are different types of arrhythmias, so a proper diagnosis is necessary to rule out other complications.

Pain in the throat or jaw
Jaw pain can be a result of several reasons like chronic muscle spasms, autoimmune inflammatory conditions, temporomandibular disorders, injury in the jaw muscle, fibromyalgia, and even dental problems. However, when a person experiences jaw pain combined with a feeling of tightness in the chest, it can be a precursor of heart failure. In such cases, pain radiates from the left side of the chest, moving upward, thereby affecting the throat and jaw. Older adults have weaker muscles, making it even more imperative to pay attention to these subtle warning signs. Rapid diagnosis can help with quick treatment as it is the only way to treat or manage a major heart failure.

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