5 natural remedies to manage pet allergies

5 natural remedies to manage pet allergies

Raul Sims

Seasonal allergies can affect our pets. While we may show symptoms like cold, sneezing, running nose, or rashes, similarly, puppies and dogs may begin to scratch fervently, lick their coat or paws vigorously, and show signs of skin or ear infections. Excessive shedding of fur and gastrointestinal problems are additional symptoms of allergies in dogs and pups. Pets may be allergic to pollen, grass, house dust mites, human dander, food, flea, and tick bites.

Allergic dermatitis in dogs
Allergic dermatitis is also known as canine atopic dermatitis or canine atopy, and it can affect dogs and pups at any age. In most cases, it could be caused by an inherited condition and can affect all breeds of dogs. In this, the dogs will begin to bite, rub, scratch or chew at their feet, flank, or groin causing excessive hair or fur loss and thickening skin. They may also rub their faces on the floor or carpet to eliminate the itchiness. Another common impact of allergies is over-wax production in their ears which can further lead to yeast or bacterial infection. The common causes of allergies in pets are:

  • Inhalant and contact allergies
  • Food allergies
  • Flea allergies
  • Staph Hypersensitivity

Vets diagnose the cause through a blood test and intradermal testing, where doctors inject antigens in a small portion of shaved skin and test it to identify the cause. Once they identify the cause, they begin appropriate treatment.

Treatment options of allergies in pets

Prescription treatments
Vets prescribe antihistamines, an inexpensive, effective and safe treatment for allergies. You can see that the symptoms begin to reduce almost immediately in most dogs and puppies. But it cannot prevent symptoms from appearing again. Sometimes, doctors prescribe antifungal treatments to treat any secondary yeast infection. Vets may also prescribe other treatments if the symptoms are severe. Along with this, you must also treat the underlying cause like control fleas, change their food or keep them away from allergens causing the allergies.

Weekly baths
Once you notice symptoms of allergies and begin prescription treatments, you should follow other remedies that can soothe their itchiness and prevent them from scratching. Weekly baths with natural shampoos can remove parasites like fleas and ticks from their skin and coat. Such shampoos must have antibacterial and antifungal properties that can prevent inflammation and treat any skin damage caused by excessive itching.

Along with prescription treatments, you can also give them supplements containing Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids that can help reduce inflammation and bring down symptoms of itchiness. Look for products that have FDA approvals and are marked as safe for pets.

Meal plan
If vets diagnose food allergies as the cause of atopy, you can replace their meal plan with a hypoallergenic one. Food allergies may be caused by dairy, beef or wheat. You can replace their food with safer proteins like venison, egg, or duck. Include safe fruits and veggies that are pet safe and contain anti-inflammatory properties.

Treat flea infestation
If fleas and ticks are causing the atopy, take immediate steps to control it. Apart from baths, use flea combs that can remove most parasites except the larva. Do this daily and dispose of the parasites safely so they do not return. Clean the house and yard thoroughly. Sanitize the areas where your dog and pup rest and use them frequently. Use a vacuum to clean the furniture, upholstery and floors to prevent any harm to you or your family. Use products like flea shampoos, collars and sprays regularly until all the fleas are removed. Vets may also prescribe flea control therapies that can be given orally and repeat this process as per their advice.

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