5 home remedies that help manage frequent urination

5 home remedies that help manage frequent urination

Boden Lam

Urination is a natural function of the body, but it can be an unpleasant experience when it happens frequently. Some people suffer from urinary incontinence, which causes loss of bladder control and a constant urge to visit the bathroom. While several treatments help patients manage this health condition, one can also try other remedies and lifestyle changes. To deal with frequent urination effectively in the long term, one can follow the home remedies listed below.

Measuring water intake
A person’s body needs about eight cups or two liters of water daily. If you do not get enough fluids throughout the day, it will lead to severe health risks in the long run. If you need help figuring out your daily water intake levels, consult a doctor or nutritional expert on how much water they think would be ideal for your body mass, height, and activity level. If the body doesn’t get adequate amounts of water in a day, a person will experience headaches or fatigue because of dehydration, sluggishness, and dry, itchy, and dull-looking skin. Your nails may break easily if they are brittle from lack of moisture due to insufficient hydration levels over time by not drinking enough fluids daily.

Exercising pelvic muscles
The pelvic muscles support your bladder and urethra, so strengthening them will help keep your urinary system functioning correctly. Pelvic floor exercises can help reduce frequent urination by strengthening these muscles and making them more effective at holding urine in place when you need to go. You can do this by sitting, standing, or lying down.

Changing meal plan
The next step in dealing with frequent urination is to alter your nutritional regime. It will help you reestablish a healthy, balanced lifestyle and eliminate any underlying health conditions causing the problem. Avoid caffeine and carbonated drinks as much as possible because these beverages irritate the bladder wall, making urine leakage more likely during urination. Also, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables because they contain high amounts of vitamin C.

Tracking treatments
One way to deal with frequent urination is to keep track of your treatments. If you are taking any prescriptions, check the side effects and talk to your doctor about reducing the dose or changing the prescription if necessary.

Monitoring eating habits
Tracking your eating habits can help determine if certain foods trigger frequent bathroom trips. For example, foods containing a lot of sugar or salt are best avoided. Some helpful tips for keeping track of your eating patterns are listed below.-

  • Keep a food diary for one week (or longer if desired), and write down anything and everything you eat daily. It can include everything from when you wake up to when it is time for bed.
  • Record how much food is eaten over these seven days and its frequency; also note details about what food was removed and its quantity/amount eaten per serving size. Make sure all items listed are correctly recorded, so it will be easy later on when trying out different meal plans based on these results.

Even after following the tips above, if the frequent urge to urinate persists, it is best to consult a doctor soon. If frequent urination is causing bleeding or pain, make sure to get that checked out as well. It can be an early sign of a more severe health condition like testicular or prostate cancer. Your doctor will want to know what causes your frequent urination and whether any other symptoms could indicate problems like diabetes or kidney disease (common reasons people experience frequent urination). If left untreated for a long time, this condition can disrupt your sleep or daily activities.

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