11 beneficial tips for anxiety management

11 beneficial tips for anxiety management

Raul Sims

Most people experience mild to severe bouts of anxiety at some point in their lives. However, when anxiety attacks become frequent and uncontrollable, it’s a cause for concern. The condition can trigger a wide variety of uncomfortable sensations and emotions that hamper normal behavior. What’s more, feeling anxious in daily situations can contribute to several health problems. So, anxiety management is crucial. Here are some promising tips that can provide short- and long-term anxiety relief.

11 tips to follow for anxiety management

Breathe slowly and deeply
The breath and mind seem to have a connection, so controlling your breath is a significant aspect of anxiety management. Anxiety makes your breathing faster and shallower than normal. If you deliberately breathe slowly and deeply, your anxiety may reduce in no time. Breathe in slowly and deeply for the count of three and breathe out in the same way for the count of three.

Observe your anxiety symptoms at a distance
Your anxiety may reduce in intensity if you can simply watch your symptoms without reacting. For this, you must learn about the various signs and symptoms of anxiety and notice how anxiety manifests in you. Some common signs and symptoms to look for include shortness of breath, muscle tension, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and increased heart rate. Also, whenever these symptoms arise, remind yourself that you’re okay and practice calming techniques.

Figure out your anxiety triggers
This may not be easy, but trying to find what’s making you anxious is crucial to get to the root of the problem and resolve it for good. In some cases, the triggers are obvious, such as substance abuse, but in many cases, they are convoluted and need some external help from a therapist or some other health professional. Once you learn about your triggers, see if you can avoid them or minimize your exposure to them.

Investigate and challenge your anxious thoughts
When you’re feeling anxious, your mind can play tricks on you. You may begin to find implications and insinuations where there are none. For instance, a close friend not replying to your texts may make you believe they are uninterested in maintaining the friendship. In such situations, stop and ask yourself whether these thoughts are facts or opinions, and discuss the situation with your friend so they can help you in future scenarios.

Practice meditation daily
For long-term anxiety management, it’s crucial to meditate regularly. Meditating every day, especially in the morning, for a few minutes can completely relax your mind and body, making you less vulnerable to anxiety attacks. There are various forms of meditation, and you can try a few of them before choosing one that works for you.

Eat healthily
More and more studies have shown that what you eat can make your anxiety better or worse. In general, healthy foods, such as those rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory nutrients, and omega-3s help keep anxiety in check. The best sources of omega-3s are fatty fish like salmon, sardines, and tuna. To acquire numerous antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients, feast on a wide variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, drink green tea frequently, and use turmeric in everyday recipes.

Be physically active
When you work out, your body releases chemicals called endorphins, which reduce stress and pain. Besides, working out helps keep your physical health top-notch. Exercising regularly and being physically active several hours a day is an excellent approach towards long-term anxiety management. You can start with 30 minutes per day of walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, or playing any sport, and gradually increase the time and intensity.

Prioritize sleep
When it comes to sleep, both quality and quantity matter, restful sleep is essential for keeping both the mind and body well. It also helps decrease your anxiety and provides you with the energy to cope with it. Sleep for about 7 to 9 hours per day, and avoid using screens a few hours before going to bed.

Limit your caffeine consumption
Caffeine can exacerbate your anxiety and even trigger panic attacks. So, you must cut back or completely avoid caffeine intake. Remember that coffee isn’t the only thing with caffeine. Chocolate, tea, sodas, and energy drinks, all contain caffeine.

Find activities you love
Taking a short break from work or household chores and doing what you enjoy can take your mind off your incessant anxious thoughts, bringing you joy and relief. These activities can be anything, such as taking care of your garden, reading a novel, cooking your favorite meal, or watching a movie or TV show. Keep in mind that this is only a short-term solution.

Laugh as much and as frequently as possible
Sometimes, a hearty laugh is all it takes to forget all your worries. Studies also back this by pointing out that laughter is as effective as exercising when it comes to lowering anxiety. If you cannot find a reason to laugh or are also feeling the blues, you can try watching your favorite sitcom or stand-up comedian, or playing with pets or toddlers.

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