10 foods that help reduce cholesterol levels

10 foods that help reduce cholesterol levels

Vance Cardenas

Cholesterol is a wax-like substance that travels via the blood as part of high-density lipoprotein and low-density lipoprotein. The latter results in fatty deposits in the blood vessels, curtailing the blood flow and causing strokes or heart issues. Whereas HDL, or good cholesterol, helps remove cholesterol from the body via the liver. Specific foods can help reduce cholesterol levels. But what foods are these? Below mentioned are the ten foods that help lower cholesterol levels.

Legumes are a group of pulses or plant foods like lentils, peas, and beans. They are rich in minerals, fiber, and protein. Replacing a few refined grains in your meals with legumes diminishes the susceptibility to heart disease. Studies suggest that eating 100 grams or ½ cup of legumes daily helps lower the bad LDL cholesterol by approximately 6.6 mg/dl. Hence, it is one of the top foods to lower cholesterol.

Nuts are rich in soluble fiber, unsaturated fats, and protein. When used as a replacement for animal products containing saturated fats, the nuts lower the LDL levels. Further, their soluble fiber also aids in reducing LDL, making them excellent cholesterol-reducing foods. Studies also suggest that nuts decline the probability of heart disease. However, because the nuts are energy-dense, you may want to curtail the serving size to an ounce and ensure the chosen brand is low in added salts and sugar. You can include nuts as salad garnishes, as a snack, or add nut butter to a smoothie or sandwich to reap their benefits.

Oats and grains
Grains and oats are rich in soluble fiber and one of the most excellent selections for those seeking answers to what foods lower cholesterol. A good way to start your day is by consuming oat bran muffins or a bowl of oatmeal. Oats are versatile, and you can grind them to make oat flour and employ them as a replacement for traditional flour, as it is one of the foods that help lower cholesterol fast and will increase your fiber intake. You can also experiment with different grains like millet, rye, buckwheat, barley, and quinoa, or some mainstream grains like wild or brown rice as a side dish to reduce your cholesterol levels.

Avocados contain heart-healthy nutrients. Studies suggest that consuming one avocado daily can be an excellent way to add cholesterol-reducing foods to your routine. Avocados lower LDL levels without declining HDL levels and diminish the risk for cardiovascular diseases. About 150 grams or a cup of avocado has 14.7 grams of monosaturated fats. It reduces the susceptibility to strokes and heart diseases and reduces LDL levels.

Green tea
Typically, green and black teas have potent antioxidants, which lower cholesterol levels. Green tea has more such antioxidant powerhouses, as it is less processed and made from unfermented leaves, making it one of the good foods for cholesterol. However, when including teas in your routine, it is advisable to control the sugar and cream intake.

Olive oil
Some fats, like trans and saturated fats, increase cholesterol levels, but the same is not true for all fats. One such example is olive oil, one of the top recommended foods to lower cholesterol. It reduces the LDL levels and increases the HDL cholesterol. In several recipes, olive oil can be an excellent butter substitute. Safflower and canola oils are also healthy alternatives that help with cholesterol levels.

Green leafy vegetables
Including leafy greens on your plate can also decrease cholesterol levels by promoting nitric oxide production in the body. It reduces atherosclerosis and dilates the blood vessels. Kale is an excellent food for cholesterol and heart health, as it is rich in magnesium, potassium, fiber, and antioxidants. Further, minerals found in Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and other cruciferous vegetables also counterbalance the sodium effect by warding off hypertension.

Frozen or fresh berries are also a wise selection to keep your cholesterol levels in check. Berries contain plant sterols, a compound that works like soluble fiber and prevents cholesterol from entering the bloodstream. Blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries are particularly powerful, courtesy of their high fiber and antioxidant content. You do not need to eat a lot of berries to reduce LDL levels. Snacking on half a cup daily is enough to reduce the risk of heart disease and decrease cholesterol levels.

Dark chocolate
Next time you wish to indulge in sweets, opt for dark chocolates. These contain flavonoids that do not keep the blood platelets from sticking together. They also help keep your arteries unclogged.

Soy products
Soy products like soy milk, tofu, edamame beans, and soybeans help reduce triglycerides and LDL levels. However, pick soy products close to how they appear in nature, like unflavoured tofu, plain unsweetened soy milk, and soybeans.

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