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7 major benefits of outdoor LED signs

7 major benefits of outdoor LED signs

With the growth of technology, outdoor advertising has undergone a massive transformation. To keep up with the changing demands of the current generation, many companies have moved on from pamphlets, posters, and hoardings and decided to invest in outdoor LED signs. They are colorful and bright and can display a myriad of formats that can help brands make a strong first impression, attract new customers, and bring in more business. They also have other benefits.

1. Increased reach
One of the biggest benefits of outdoor LED signs is their increased reach. They shine bright during the day and stand out boldly in the dark, so the message and branding remain clear. According to some reports, LED lights are visible even from a great distance and can be viewed by 70% of the public. A 2022 study also found that digital advertising outperforms other major marketing techniques on a CPM (cost per thousand impressions) basis, offering a range between $2 and $9. Others can cost anywhere between $0.80 and $54.

2. Cost-effective
While the initial cost of procuring and installing a digital LED sign can be high, it is much more economical in the long run. This is because it makes advertising cheaper than other strategies, as the content on the signs can be changed easily without incurring additional expenses. They also tend to last longer, consume less energy, and require less maintenance, helping brands save more money.

3. Increased traffic
The communication on LED signs offers better reach. This ultimately leads to more people coming into the store, helping brands increase their sales, revenue, and profits. LED signs can also help attract impulse buyers; this can be achieved by putting up details about ongoing sales and promotions for higher footfall.

4. Durable and efficient
Manufacturers claim LED signs can last up to 100,000 hours, i.e., around 11.5 years when running non-stop. These signs use only 10 watts of power, which means that they consume about 80% less energy than traditional neon and incandescent bulbs. They are also 100% recyclable and do not contain toxic substances like argon or mercury. This makes them an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly option, which helps companies cut costs on their electricity bills and promote a greener image. The parts are also encased in long-lasting, impermeable materials that can withstand harsh weather conditions like rain, snow, sleet, and strong winds without getting damaged, making LED signs one of the most durable advertising options.

5. Seamless tech integration
One standout feature of outdoor LED signage is that it can be seamlessly integrated with other technologies to create a bigger impact. For instance, adding cameras or sensors to the signage can help track and collect important customer information, which can be used to devise more personalized marketing campaigns.
These screens can also be made interactive to help improve customer engagement with the store. This can be done by setting up smart games, fun activities, or product and service videos to grab customer attention and make a positive impression.

6. Can be controlled remotely
Unlike traditional advertising tools that need to be changed or updated physically, outdoor LED signs can easily be controlled remotely with just a few keystrokes. These changes can be made in real time or scheduled later. This reduces the physical workload by a significant margin, which can be a major benefit for businesses with multiple locations. This control feature also allows stores to share public safety information and emergency messaging or deliver critical information to promote customers’ desired actions.

7. Versatility and customizability
LED signage is extremely versatile and can be used to share myriad information, including advertising and marketing campaigns, public safety and emergency messaging, and wayfinding. Unlike static billboards, this information is dynamic and can be changed frequently. LED signage allows for displaying multiple ads or messages on a single screen. These screens can display any movement, such as color changes, digital flashes, animations, and videos. Brands can make use of this feature to help them stand out.

What’s more is that these displays can be rotated based on the time of day or the target audience, attracting more customers and creating a bigger impact. Whether it is current trends, new holiday schedules, or even pop-up sales, the display can be changed quickly to keep customers engaged.

Businesses also have many choices when it comes to mounting digital LED signs. These can be wall-mounted, freestanding, or integrated into existing displays and structures to help brands improve their visibility. Businesses can leverage outdoor LED signs to make sure that their messaging reaches their customers and increases sales.